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Keeping The “R” In CX (Customer Experience)

CX (customer experience) has been hot for a few years. But, IT wizardry and the push to cut costs by un-humanizing the service experience has too often removed the “relationship” from “customer experience.” The by-product was aptly characterized by a friend of ours describing her bank.

“They installed this new customer experience management system so all my correspondence from them is now tailored––they even knew my son was heading off to college this year. Now, when I call and give them my account number, they comment on the fact that I have a new Buick, financed by their loan department.

But all that is just mechanized. When I walk in any branch no one acts like they know me or even wants to get to know me! Give me back old fashioned personal service, not this customer-ized baloney. It’s no more genuine than the ATM.”

Attitude is the fuel of innovative service and an attitude that clearly shows the spirit of greatness can provide the energy as well as the magnetism needed to deliver an innovative service experience. It is a contagious attitude! And, it is the consistency and sincerity of attitude that causes customers to tell friends about their innovative service experiences.

Today’s wired and dangerous customers are especially sensitive to “indifferent” or “ungrateful” service. When their highly tuned radar senses either one of these they are very quick to change providers and with their highly tuned social media skills they will let everyone on the internet know exactly how they feel!

Most of us like tailor-made service. We enjoy a service provider that knows our preferences and caters to our unique needs and expectations. But, we still want the service provider to treat us like an important and valued person. We want to know that inside customer service is a human, not a program

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